Thursday, August 25, 2011


My friend Mary is leaving tomorrow to go to Europe.  I know right - FUN?!!  She was asking a friend of ours, Sarah Smith, Esquire, also known as the world traveler, what she should pack because she is worried about over-packing and then the opposite, not packing enough.   Sarah wrote her back the following information.  I have never been to Europe, but when I do finally get to go I will definitely be using these tips!  Safe travels!

mary, here is my advice for packing.
1. pack as much black, and things that match black, as you can.  if you are wearing things more than once, black stays the cleanest and always looks polished.
2. don't bring too many pairs of shoes.  each pair should have a function, and you should wear them at least twice.  shoes are heavy and take up space.  don't bring extras.
3. only pack for 2/3 of the number of days you are going.  of course, bring enough clean underwear and socks for everyday, but be prepared to wear at least 1/3 of what you bring twice.
4. don't bring more than two items that serve the same purpose.  for example, say you have a black cardigan and a black blazer and a black sweater.  you don't need all three.

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