Continuing with my "Day in the life" segment, I asked my friend Alexis from ( to capture her day. Enjoy - and check out her blog. She is hilarious - and her grilled cheese below looks heavenly.
Thursday, August 25th – a day in the life of Alexis
Okay, I first opened my eyes at 8:18 a.m. on this Thursday morning. I know most people are at work by now, but I don’t have to get in to the office til 9-9:30 and with a 10 minute commute, I try to stay in bed as long as possible. I turn on the TV and I hang out with these guys.
If I don’t turn on the TV, I am likely to fall back asleep and that is not a good thing. I slept til 10:20 about a month ago on a Monday. True story. It was kind of embarrassing, given that I’m 28, but my office didn’t care. I, on the other hand, cared. I need to wake UP like a normal person. Robert, my husband (I like to call him Baby), leaves for his job at about 8 every morning, so he isn’t there to force me to wake up to go to work. So, I count of my friends pictured above to motivate me. I mean, I think Matt Lauer get’s up at like 4:00 a.m. or before, so yeah, I should be able to get up by 8:30?
Okay, so I’m up, obvi. I usually shower at night, so this means I throw my hair up on the daily. I’m not sure if the people in my office have seen me fully ready since my first year of working there? That sounds awful, but just to help you understand, I work in a real estate office. It doesn’t get much traffic. My boss wears sweats to work, so I feel accomplished in my business casual clothes. This is so boring. Why am I talking about this? Anyway, so I wash my face, brush my teeth and put on minimal make-up. Bare Minerals foundation and bronzer and mascara…yes, that’s all my weekdays get. Eyeliner if I’m feeling wild. And yes, GO KAPPA.
Well, OMG, look who it is!!! It’s Baby!!! Putting on deodorant!! What is he doing here so late?? He’s usually at work right now!! On this morning he had to read some updates on a script that his director made for a movie he’s working on. Baby is working on his first film. He’s pretty badass, like the honey badger. Okay, love you Baby, onto my closet for my least favorite part of getting ready…the dreaded what to wear….
See that hanger poking out? I wore that black dress. |
I won’t go into the closet situation at our home, but I will tell you that my clothes are spread out over 3 closets. Yes, 3. Welcome to life in the duplex! Ha. Jk. It’s not bad. This closet holds dress, skirts, pants and long sleeved stuff and is by the front door; hence, passing Baby to en route to the closet. I have only worn skirts and dresses this summer to work, because let’s be real, it’s too freaking hot. I went with this cotton black dress that my boss’s wife bought me (don’t make me explain that), a white cardigan and these nude sandals that I’ve been wearing to death. Okay, time to drive to work!!
Oh and what do I do? I’m an “associate” at a commercial real estate office. “Associate” is what my business card says. I’m really an executive assistant/secretary. I do have my real estate license. I do not use it, but it’s there!
I’m driving to work here. Oopsy…the pic is a little crooked. Pics+driving probably isn’t the brightest idea, but I only wanted to convey how it was CLOUDY this morning and 80 degrees!! That hasn’t happened in months. Of course, it was 100 degrees by noon, but I really enjoyed the cloudiness on the way to work. I was praying it would last or that I could click my heels three times and move to Seattle. Neither of those prayers came true, but that’s okay.
Oh hey, Dallas!!! Dallas is super cool. Just watch "Most Eligible Dallas," Monday nights on Bravo and you’ll see what I mean. Everyone here is just like those people on the show. Everyone. Even me. Just kidding, everyone. Just. Kidding. Here, I am at my desk. I sit here all day long!! About 10% of the time I’m really busy. The other 90% of the time I do this…
Gmail, Facebook, read blogs, read the news, Gmail, facebook, post on my own blog. (Which is on Velcro Dog’s list over there ----->
I really do expect to do more with my professional life; I’m just not sure what quite yet. I’ll get there. So anyway, usually between 1-2:00 p.m. I either eat lunch that I brought from home or I go and get something or bring it back to my office. I forget that it’s weird that I don’t have a lunch break, because that is always how it has been for me. Why, you ask? Well, as an executive assistant it is probably important to be there when the person you assist is at the office. The person that I assist, my boss, has a schedule of coming in around 11 and leaving around 2-3. Soooo, yeah, I can’t just up and leave at noon and say see you at 1. It’s just not the way it is around here for me. Lately, my boss hasn’t been coming in at all, but I still stay here all day. I don’t now why. I’m a masochist. Jk. But, we all know being in the office all day can make one crazy. Hmm, that explains a lot about me. ;)
So on this day, I was about to go run out and get some lunch to bring it back, but who should come strolling in? My boss. Grand. No big deal though because there were cookies in the office, so I had some to tide me over. They were Tiff’s Treats, so yum. But, sadly no lunch. Sigh. Luckily the end of the day came fairly quickly.
At the end of the day, I take the Fed-Ex’s and drop off the mail. F-U-N!
By now, I’m starving, so I go to one of my favorite spots for a snack….
Yum. I sample. I decide to get some hummus (best hummus I’ve ever had) and a little baguette and get out of there before I want to buy everything.
This is really going to mortify some of my friends, but I was so hungry that I sat in my car solo in the Eatzi’s parking lot and ate my hummus. I had to! I wasn’t going straight home and I was about to eat my arm.
Hey hummus! Don’t worry I didn’t eat that whole big ol’ thing.
Now, on a normal day, I would go home and I would go to yoga. I try to go daily, but this week has been an awful yoga week and I haven’t gone at all. Uggg. I couldn’t go this day because I was getting a mani/pedi! Yay! My sweet mother-in-law treated me to one because we are going to Baby’s high school reunion on Saturday and a raggedy gal from New Mexico has got to look her best for these fancy Houston people. ;) Anyway, the mani/pedi was such a treat…I enjoyed every second!
Some of you might know this as “the nail place by the Loon”.
This is a really scary pic of my fingers and foot, but I just wanted you to see the results. I should have done a before and after.
After the mani/pedi, I come home, realize I could make it to a yoga class and decide again not to go. Pppfffffftttttt. Soon after Baby and I decide to go to Whole Foods to pick up dinner. We do that once or twice a week. I need to get better about recipes and cooking! I’ve a little lazy lately. Anyway, we decided to make grilled cheeses on rosemary/garlic cibatta bread with longhorn cheese and watermelon on the side. Random? Yes, a little. But really good. Baby is good with food :), he made the grilled cheeses with our handy dandy Panini press that was a wedding gift.
A far off pic of the grilled cheese and watermelon. I was only going to eat half of it because I felt like I just ate the hummus, but I ate the whole thing, don’t worry.
After dinner we spent some time at the West Wing.
We watched 3 episodes and finished up Season 4 last night. It’s so good. We are so dorky. It really is great TV…thank you Aaron Sorkin.
That wraps up the day folks :). Baby and I then brushed our teeth and retired to bed to read.
I’m readying Lonesome Dove. Baby read it and really wanted me to read it. He thought I’d like it. I was apprehensive to start, but I love it. It’s a great story so far, I’m saying this and I’m not an old man. I feel like an old man would read Lonesome Dove? I would have never thought I’d be reading it, I can definitely tell you that! Now, I would highly recommend it. Surprisingly, it’s going by very fast too. The chapters are short and easy to get through, which I like.
So, there you have it, a day in the life. Hope I didn’t bore you too bad.
Reflection: Upon reading, I am sad that I have no time for prayer or God’s word carved out in my day. I need to change that. I’ve been having a difficult week emotionally and mentally and I’m thinking that could be a big reason why. I know completely that is the thing that would help me the most and it’s crazy how it’s the thing I just can’t find time to do. Maybe I’ll read a little something or think a brief prayer, but not true time, not true stopping my day to read or think about God and pray for my needs or the needs and desires of others. I need to change; it’s that simple and that hard. I just need to change something in my habits and routine. If I’m not moving towards God, I’m moving away from Him and that’s somewhere I am headed and somewhere that I don’t want to be. Thank you Velcro Dog for asking me to do this day recap and in turn, for helping me see my day and my time through an outside perspective. I love Velcro Dog and his Mama!!!! :)