Friday, July 29, 2011


I read this post today on Dear Baby and it really struck a cord with me.  Before I was pregnant with Jonathan, having a baby seemed to be an easy process.  You get pregnant, have a baby, life is perfect.  Then when it all comes crashing down, and devastation hits you like it did us, you start to realize just exactly what a healthy baby really is.  They are little miracle's from God.  If you are a reader and have a healthy child, give them an extra kiss today and remember not to accidentally take that health for granted.  I know you don't intentionally knowingly take your children for granted, but sometimes we just need to take a minute out of our days and thank God for the miracles He has given us.

Also, please keep a friend of mine in your prayers.  Her little miracle is going to have to have some surgeries after he is born in October to fix some things.  Pray for his strength so when he comes into this world, he will be a little fighter.

1 comment:

  1. they really are miracles. it's something no one should take for granted!

    praying for your friend and her baby!
